Browse Authors & Composers
Doris Akers
Heinrich Albert
Cecil Frances Alexander
Charles M. Alexander
Henry Alford
Richard Allen
Margaret Wells Allison
Harriet Auber
Maltbie D. Babcock
Henry W. Baker
Joseph Barnby
Katharine Lee Bates
George Bennard
Théodore de Bèze
Philip P. Bliss
Horatius Bonar
Jane Borthwick
Loys Bourgeois
William Bradbury
Nicholas Brady
Robert Bridges
Phillips Brooks
Albert Brumley
Harry T. Burleigh
Jean Calvin
Lucie E. Campbell
Edward Caswall
Thomas Chisholm
E. Margaret Clarkson
Elizabeth Clephane
William Cowper
Fanny Crosby
Samuel Crossman
Andraé Crouch
Johann Crüger
Percy Dearmer
Cleavant Derricks
William Chatterton Dix
William H. Doane
Philip Doddridge
Thomas A. Dorsey
Charles Winfred Douglas
Margaret Douroux
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Anne Dutton
John Bacchus Dykes
John Ellerton
Charlotte Elliott
E.O. Excell
Alexander Ewing
John Fawcett
Fisk Jubilee Singers
Francis of Assisi
Samuel Trevor Francis
Joseph Funk
Charles H. Gabriel
Bill & Gloria Gaither
Henry J. Gauntlett
Paul Gerhardt
Keith & Kristyn Getty
John Goss
Robert Grant
Fred Pratt Green
Gracia Grindal
Ada Habershon
Hampton Singers
George Frideric Handel
Robert Harkness
Joseph Hart
Thomas Hastings
Frances Ridley Havergal
William Henry Havergal
Thomas Haweis
Annie Hawks
Reginald Heber
Thomas Helmore
George Herbert
Claudia Hernaman
Eliza E. Hewitt
Stuart K. Hine
Elisha Hoffman
Broadus H. Hogan
Oliver Holden
Edward J. Hopkins
John Hopkins
William Walsham How
Julia Ward Howe
Mary P. Hoyt
Jean of Fécamp
James Weldon Johnson
John Rosamond Johnson
Charles Price Jones
Bob Kauflin
John Keble
Thomas Kelly
Thomas Ken
William Kethe
William J. Kirkpatrick
Phoebe Palmer Knapp
Mary A. Lathbury
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Robert Lowry
Martin Luther
Henry Francis Lyte
Martin Madan
H.A. César Malan
John Marckant
Clément Marot
Civilla D. Martin
Walter Stillman Martin
Lowell Mason
Richard Massie
C. Austin Miles
Henry Hart Milman
John Milton
William Henry Monk
James Montgomery
Kenneth Morris
Edward Mote
Gerard Moultrie
John Mason Neale
John Newton
Caroline Noel
Thomas Norton
Horatio R. Palmer
Edward Perronet
Mary (Bowly) Peters
Folliott Pierpoint
Edward Hayes Plumptre
John Pullain
Daniel Read
William Rees
Martin Rinkart
John Rippon
Robert Robinson
Christina Rossetti
Erik Routley
William M. Runyan
Ira Sankey
Dan Schutte
Elizabeth Scott
Joseph Scriven
A.J. Showalter
Richard Smallwood
Henry Smart
Charitie Lees Smith
Horatio Spafford
Charles Spurgeon
John Stainer
Charles Villiers Stanford
Anne Steele
Samuel Stennett
Thomas Sternhold
Samuel J. Stone
Arthur Sullivan
John R. Sweney
Nahum Tate
Theodulf of Orléans
Charles Albert Tindley
Augustus Toplady
Stuart Townend
Daniel B. Towner
F. Bland Tucker
Judson W. Van DeVenter
Henry Van Dyke
Anna Bartlett Warner
Isaac Watts
Samuel Webbe
Samuel Webbe Jr.
Christopher L. Webber
Charles Wesley
John Wesley
Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Frederick Whitfield
William Whittingham
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Thomas John Williams
William Williams
John Wilson
Wings Over Jordan
Catherine Winkworth
Robert Wisdom
Christopher Wordsworth
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